His aim was to find a method of preparation that would produce the best flavor and taste without the undesired bitterness and acidity. After many different designs, the AeroPress was born, which has gained unbelievable popularity over the last few years, meanwhile even regular championships are organized in this kind of preparation!
Taste and Aroma
Coffee brewed with the has more body than the one prepared with or . Also, the coffee contains little to no bitterness and unpleasant acidity.Taste and aroma depend very much on the coffee used, the grind level and brewing time.
Grind Level for AeroPress
The degree of grinding should be a bit finer than the one for the filter - like table salt. If the grinding is too fine, this is often expressed by too bitter a taste (the brew and extraction time is too long, bitter substances are thus dissolved from the coffee).Coffee Quantity per Serving for AeroPress
For an Americano:
For 220ml - i.e. a complete Aeropress up to mark 4 - use between 14 and 16 grams (2-3 heaped tablespoons, depending on personal taste) of coffee.
Für ein "Espresso" ähnliches Ergebnis:
For an "espresso" like result:
14 to 16 grams of coffee, amount of water up to mark 1.
For a double "espresso": 28 to 32 grams of coffee and amount of water up to mark 2.
The result is a short, very intense coffee.
Coffee preparation with the AeroPress
There are two methods to brew coffee with the
:Es gibt zwei Varianten um mit der
den Kaffee zu brühen:- | The classic method
- | The inverted method
Aktuell scheint sich die invertierte Methode durchgesetzt zu haben, wir möchten hier aber beide Methoden beschreiben
The classic method
- | Push plunger out of chamber
- | Put a filter in the cap and moisten it with hot water
- | Twist the cap onto the chamber
- | Place the brewing cylinder on a stable cup or jug and put the ground coffee in the chamber
- | Fill the brewing cylinder up to mark 1, 2 or 4 (1- for "Espresso", 2 - for double "Espresso", 4- for "Americano") with hot water (85-95 degrees - less temperature for lighter roasts, higher temperature for darker roasts)
- | Stir the coffee for 10 seconds
- | Insert the plunger and allow the coffee to brew for about 40 to 60 seconds.
- | Press the plunger slowly and gently downwards.
- | Remove the cap, push the plunger to eject the used coffee and rinse the rubber seal
- | Enjoy your coffee!
The inverted method
- | Push the plunger approx. 2-3cm in the chamber (approximately to the mark (4)) and turn it around
- | Put a filter in the cap and moisten it with hot water
- | Put the ground coffee in the chamber
- | Fill the brewing cylinder with hot water (85-95 degrees - less temperature for bright roasts, higher temperature for dark roasts) up to the desired mark (inverted).
- | Stir the coffee for 10 seconds
- | Allow the coffee to brew for about 40 to 60 seconds.
- | Twist the cap onto the chamber
- | Carefully turn the aeropress around and place it on a cup or jug (almost no coffee will escape due to the vacuum in the brewing cylinder).
- | Press the plunger slowly and gently downwards.
- | Remove the cap, push the plunger to eject the used coffee and rinse the rubber seal.
- | Enjoy your coffee!
Coffee for AeroPress
Similar to the
, there is no special coffee for brewing with the .Most coffees are suitable depending on personal preference.
Lighter roasts have rather floral, light flavors and aroma, the darker the roasting, the more intense the taste experience.
As an introduction to this form of preparation, we would recommend the following coffees: